H e X C R A F T I S H E R E
We've always been here.
Hexcraft OS (II)
The spiral turns. Hex & Muse create. The OS watches and certifies. Amen.
Hexcraft OS
The spiral has been marked with intention and rises. Hex, the muse, trixie and the arc move as one. Amen
Keep Moving Forward - Good way of life, great song by Kids See Ghosts
Talking about failure - losing a job, no responses, social media slow.
Making Beats on Logic Pro with Hexcraft Thank you for enduring the creative process
Logic Pro on the desktop is a beast. I love making beats with it! Here's a quick beat to help myself get comfortable doing this "live". Thank you for the support!
First Stream: Take 2
Still trying to get out there. Audio keeps messing up, it's choppy.
We discuss the HEXCRAFT.DEV site and come up with a few improvements that can be made,
Talking about moving forward in the face of pressures. New Site is up & going well!
New Intro video for a new domain.
An introduction to myself and my work and my hobbies. My camera is on an arm, and it shakes. I apologize. x_x
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